For many people, bed bugs problem is just minor. But when they get to experience how much damage it can do not only on things, but even on the health and environment, they will realize that they should have taken the problem more seriously. One thing is for sure about bed bugs, it worse more than what we thought. This article for instance, is a great example of what more bed bugs infestation can do to people. Basically, they are not just biting while we are sleeping, but so many more things happen behind us. Click on this link to read more. "Bed bugs aren't just content with biting you while you sleep - they also poop waste that is loaded with histamines in your bed, a new study reveals. Led by entomologists and health experts at North Carolina State University, Histamine as an emergent indoor contaminant states that "histamine is a known food contaminant, mainly of fish and alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine". Histamine is a chemical our bodies push out in a response to allergens, and can trigger itchiness, watery eyes, sneezing, headaches, and asthma attacks. The researchers found that histamine levels in infested homes were at least 20 times higher than levels in bed bug-free homes. The study states that "bed bugs had all but disappeared from developed areas of the world by the 1960s, but have resurged globally since the early 2000s". In New Zealand, bed bugs are on the rise in Wellington. "
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