
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Alcohol Not A Solution for Bed Bugs- Try These Tips

As much as we want all the best for our home, some things are just bound to happen. Take bed bugs for instance, who likes them? In fact, they are even considered to be a nightmare by most people. What’s worse is the fact that having them around us can lead to diseases- something that no one wants to happen especially for their family. In order to get protected, we find ways on how to solve the problem. And although there are many ways available, the best thing to do is to consult the experts. By seeking the advice of the nearest pest management company in your area, you’ll be in safe hands and you can avoid things from getting worse. To those who failed to consult the experienced and professionals in this field, they tried to improvise or do things that they thought to be right. Take this article below as an example. This discusses that the belief of many people that alcohol is actually the solution for bed bugs is not right.   Getting bed bugs is a nightmare experience, one that’s sure to cost you oodles of time, money, and emotional distress. The bugs are painfully hard to purge from your household, and it’s getting even harder as they become more resistant to common insecticides. Unfortunately, home remedies are often no match for these parasitic insects. Dousing them with rubbing alcohol (a tip you'll often hear) won’t kill them; in fact, it might just burn your house down, as a woman trying to rid her Cincinnati apartment of bed bugs found out recently. As The Washington Post reported, the alcohol in that case was too close to the flame of a candle or some type of incense, and ignited. It wasn't an isolated incident. In the last 10 years or so, people trying to kill bed bugs with alcohol have started several house fires across the U.S., including a different incident in Cincinnati just two weeks ago. So short of burning down your entire house and starting over, how do you get rid of them? Read on to know why it’s a no-no to pour alcohol on bed bugs.

The following blog post Alcohol Not A Solution for Bed Bugs- Try These Tips was originally published on


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